Despite Mercedes AMG claiming Nurburgring times ‘do not interest us’ A couple weeks ago Mercedes AMG turned up at the Ring with an army looking to put some times in. German based Sport Auto were in tow to verify the times.
Their efforts appear to have proven fruitful with Mercedes AMG claiming a new Ring record. Here are the times..
Mercedes AMG GTR 7:10.9.
Mercedes AMG GTS 7:35.0.
The difference is simply this – The GTR was built for the Ring. The GTS was built for Monaco. The GTR even has a ‘green hell’ paint option – the nickname of the track they have just tamed. For that reason lets dig deeper on the GTR time.
The stated time of 7:10:9 makes the Mercedes AMG GTR the fastest rear wheel drive sports car to take on the Ring. The fastest times previously were 7:12.13 set by the Dodge Viper ACR, and 7:14.64 set by a Lexus LFA Nürburgring Package.
The time also puts it close to the fastest ever production car record of the 6:57 set by the Porsche 918. Ok so the racers in you say 13 seconds in racing terms is a week, but on a seven minute lap its not a million miles away.